On-Grid Inverter Repairs
A basic condition for the efficiency of your photovoltaic system is its proper operation and consequently the inverters that are their most basic part. The weather conditions that prevail in many cases where on the one hand we have either extreme weather phenomena in winter or high temperatures in summer, as well as network errors, often cause failures in their normal operation that cause damage to internal components. We are here with the specialized Our technical staff, know-how and experience in network inverter repairs directly and economically to minimize your revenue loss.
Immediate check and update on the condition of your device and the cost of repairing it.
Upon completion of the repair work, check the correct operation and efficiency of your inverter.
We undertake the repair of any inverter, offering immediate solutions, low cost and excellent quality of service with the appropriate guarantees.
On Grid Inverter Repair Terms
• AENAOSHOP is not responsible if during the repair the product warranty is damaged (if it is in force), as the inspection of the device presupposes its opening.
• AENAOSHOP will perform a Check on the device to identify the problem and will inform the customer about the cost of the repair.
• In case of non-acceptance of the repair proposal, the customer is charged with the Minimum Inspection Cost which he has already pre-agreed – prepaid.
• The customer receives the repaired device only after payment.
• Delivery time, except for force majeure, is less than ten (10) calendar days from the date of receipt in our stores.
Repair Warranty Terms
• 6 months warranty for the repair. The guarantee is valid from the date of issue of the relevant document.
• The warranty sticker must be intact and unchanged on the device for the repair warranty to be valid.
• The repair warranty covers only the part or parts of the appliance that has been repaired
• In case of return of the device with a different symptom, it is considered a new receipt with the difference that a 15% discount is provided on the total cost.
• In case of non-operation of the device after repair and if it is documented that the problem is due to incorrect repair by AENAOSHOP, then the latter assumes the coverage of its costs and in no case refunds.
The Repair Warranty DOES NOT COVER:
• The costs of installation, uninstallation, loss of energy in transport in any case.
• Damage caused by mishandling, misuse, shock, fall, incorrect connection, fire, lightning strike, hypertension, humidity, extreme weather events.
• Modifications interventions by external factors, reverse polarity in the power supply of the device, higher voltage or short circuit.
Upon receipt:
• A relevant receipt form is filled out.
* Suggested brand name of machines, where our above services correspond to the times of speed and full repair, Platinum, SMA, Kostal, REFUsol, SIEMENS, Carlo Gavvazi, of course we provide the above services to all other machines but the response times do not meet at the above times.